Assalamu Alaikum, hope you all are well, in today’s article we will tell you about Sone Ki Dua and what is the Sunnah way of reciting this Dua.
Sone Ki Dua | Dua Before Sleeping
اللَّهُمَّ بِاسْمِكَ آمُوْتُ وَأَحْيِي
अल्लाहुम्मा बिस्मिका अमुव्तु वा अहया
Allahumma Biismika Amuvtu Wa Ahaya
Translation: O Allah, I die and live in your name
Sunnah way of sleeping
When you go to sleep, first clean your bed thoroughly, then lie down on your right side and place your right hand under your head and your left hand on your left side and then Read prayers.
And if you sleep after making Wudu, it is even better. If a person sleeps after making Wudu and dies in that condition, then he is included among the martyrs.
Read More: Dua After Azan Read Online | Arabic, English